Our company, StiviBags, is committed to people and the environment, and that is why we have developed a code internal ethics that includes values and good practices that we must have. These are intended to improve quality of the products and enhance the commitment of our employees with the company, the articles manufactured, the customers and the environment.

Below, you can learn about our code of ethics and the integrated policy:


Message from the CEO

StiviBags, founded in 1987 specialized in Merchandising.

Our team's priority is to provide the best service to our clients, For us, each client means “a tailored suit,” our experience in the sector, provides added value in each of the projects that are entrusted to us, our knowledge of the sector allows us allows us to adapt to the needs of our clients, for this reason Our team is constantly working in search of the items and costs that represent opportunities for them.

“In the end or you are different… Or you are cheap” StiviBags is a company committed to the environment, we always use recycled and recyclable materials as possible, we urge you to see our website where you can always see all our news.

StiviBags Management has developed a Code of Ethics internal that includes the principles, values ??and good practices, within the framework of strict compliance with the law, which must govern the performances of all the members of StiviBags, both among the team members as well as with clients, suppliers, the public administration in general and the rest of society as a whole.

StiviBags promotes the development of its own activity under the principles of excellence, commitment and teamwork.

All members and employees of StiviBags must carry out their duties with maximum respect for laws, external regulations and internal and the guidelines of conduct provided for in this Code, regarding the basis of personal and non-delegable commitment to honesty, loyalty with the company, transparency with the client and working against corruption in all its forms.


Represents the company's express commitment to accept some behavioral criteria to whose strict compliance it is linked.


Suppliers, subcontractors, clients and third parties who maintain relationships legal relations with StiviBags —hereinafter, interest groups— will be protected by the principles of this code as soon as they are applicable.


The satisfied customer is the foundation of the Company's existence. Therefore, the basic principle of business action of the Company Members is to serve the customer, with emphasis in quality, productivity and innovation; with responsibility social, community and environmental; and with full respect for the laws and regulations from each country or region where they operate.


The identification of product suppliers or service providers services of any nature must always have as their purpose the best interest of the Company and be identified by criteria technical and professional, such as competencies, quality, compliance term, price, financial stability, etc. The realization is prohibited business with Suppliers of dubious reputation, or who do not respect the standards and requirements currently in force.


All StiviBags personnel must act correctly and diligence in the development of their professional activities, adapting his conduct to current legality and refraining from any action or omission that may result in detriment to the image of the Company. In particular, the following guiding principles must be respected:

  • Respect for the value and capacity of the human being.
  • Equality of all people, without discrimination prevailing any by reason of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.
  • Confidentiality of information obtained in the development of our activity. Prohibition of filtering, copying or disclosing in professional or private conversations any type of information to persons who do not have a legal or professional right of access to same.
  • Develop the activity with the utmost diligence and directing it always to the satisfaction of the legitimate interests of the Company and customers.
  • Responsibility and honesty of the actions of all its members and collaborators.
  • We protect our name and reputation. Our clients and suppliers They trust our integrity and transparency, qualities that are in our corporate DNA. It is a mandatory task for all the people who make up our organization maintain and preserve our reputation, that of our brands and that of our clients and suppliers, as well such as confidential information and ethics with the integrity of daily work.


StiviBags and all its staff are committed to compliance of the legality in force at all times and for each of the areas in which their activity is carried out.

In addition to what is established by the applicable legal regulations at all times, at StiviBags they are also totally prohibited behaviors related to the discovery and disclosure of secrets, conduct that may constitute scams or other fraud, conduct inappropriate actions related to computer damage, conduct inappropriate actions related to industrial or intellectual property, conduct inappropriate actions related to the market and consumers, conduct of private corruption, certain conduct related to the financing of political parties, inappropriate behavior related to crimes against Public Finance and Security Social, inappropriate behavior related to the rights of citizens foreigners, inappropriate conduct with the Public Administration and influence peddling behaviors.


The Members of StiviBags will base their actions and their links in their potential and their desire to develop.

All Members have the responsibility to exercise their obligations and direct the Company's business with transparency and within the strict compliance with the law, with regard to human rights, the environment environment and the principles and guidelines of the Company.

Each Member, therefore, is responsible for complying, implementing and disseminate this Code. It is up to the leaders of the Company influences its leaders through example, with the objective of ensuring due compliance with the defined behaviors in this Code.


All employees will be informed and accept the principles and criteria on which the Company bases its professional development, the effectiveness of its management and the strengthening of its commitment with the purposes and objectives of the Company.


Each employee must attend to their own training, using all the means that StiviBags puts at your disposal, in a commitment constant with himself and with the Company aimed at updating and increase their training, in order to achieve their full development professional and achieving your personal goals.


The balance between work obligations and personal and family life is obtained through a human resources policy that generates measures that make it possible to make the commitment to the Company compatible with the time necessary for the development of a personal life project.


The mission of StiviBags is to carry out its Import activity and Export of advertising gifts, continuously improving its quality, staying one step ahead of customer expectations. customers.

The future of our organization will be insured through of the commitment to quality and the environment with the services provided In the field of promotional gifts, the service approach to our clients, as well as well as qualification and involvement of our employees, and improving environmental behavior.


  • The effort to satisfy the client and the applicable legal requirements it will be the focus of everything we do.
  • The future of our organization will be determined by the quality of our response to customer needs.
  • The maintenance and preservation of the environment and the environment natural.
  • The fundamental basis of our organization's strength lies on its employees, for whom we will provide at all times an environment of secure job that facilitates your motivation, competence and pride for his contribution to the work done.
  • Ensuring economic profitability in a highly competitive environment.


We will support, support and also develop an organization that:

  • Be focused on continuous improvement.
  • Be aimed at meeting customer expectations and fulfilling with applicable legislation.
  • It is based on teamwork.
  • Communicate openly and encourage responses.
  • Ensure adequate training.
  • Offer a safe work environment.
  • Stimulate initiative, innovation and creativity.
  • Delegate decision making to the lowest competent level.
  • Commitment to pollution prevention, with perspective of life cycle.

To achieve this we will set the indicators corresponding to each one. of the measurable parameters to which we will assign values ??that will constitute our environmental quality objectives for the set period.

Environmental quality objectives that will accompany this declaration and that they will be reviewed jointly in predetermined periods.

The relationships of our organization, internally with our collaborators and externally with sub-contractors, suppliers and clients, They will be honest, objective and upright, always recognizing the dignity of the person as a member of the team. We admit that these are the values shared within StiviBags organizations.

If you have any questions you would like to resolve about these policies or about any other topic of our company, StiviBags, do not hesitate to contact us by any of the available means in the contact section. We will be completely at your disposal.